lunes, 3 de marzo de 2008

2008-03-03 AGR MACHINE


3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

What´s happened with your cotidianery apportation to this blog? Right now you´re a almost almost public person jeje, so your followers are expecting your results in your applying for a job.
At the end, are you working in agr machine? I hope so cause i think it´s one of the most important agencies of this city.
i have some links for you about one of the jewels of the city: la muralla árabe/islámica del as to discover it:
i would like to see some photos in your fantastic blog cause i live in madrid and i can´t go there, and when i want i don´t have available time to investigate and find it
good luck in your life

Anónimo dijo...

Hi. I worked at las provincias as a journalist last summer and you give me (like to the others) the link of your blog in a little paper. I have been seeing your photos and your particular view of valencia and I think that your work it's amazing. Why don't you publish more photos? Do it! :)

Anónimo dijo...

Te escribo este comentario para informate que tu blog se encuentra en mi lista de Blogroll.
Durante el curso pasado este blog me ayudó con mi proyecto de arquitectura (estudio en Valencia). Me mostró una forma diferente de ver Valencia (sobre todo el casco histórico) que me inspiró mucho. Me gustaría que mis compañeros también disfrutaran de este blog, de ahí que haya sido agregado.

Un saludo. Irene